Crate leptos_dom

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DOM operations and rendering for Leptos.

This crate mostly includes utilities and types used by the templating system, and utility functions to make it easier for you to interact with the DOM, including with events.

It also includes functions to support rendering HTML to strings, which is the server-side equivalent of DOM operations.

Note that the types Element and Node are type aliases, handled differently depending on the target:

  • Browser (features csr and hydrate): they alias web_sys::Element and web_sys::Node, since the renderer works directly with actual DOM nodes.
  • Server: they both alias String, since the templating system directly generates HTML strings.


pub use js_sys;
pub use wasm_bindgen;
pub use web_sys;


Uses println!()-style formatting to log warnings to the console (in the browser) or via eprintln!() (if not in the browser), but only if it’s a debug build.
Uses println!()-style formatting to log errors to the console (in the browser) or via eprintln!() (if not in the browser).
A shorthand macro to test whether this is a debug build.
Shorthand to test for whether an ssr feature is enabled.
Uses println!()-style formatting to log something to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
Uses println!()-style formatting to log warnings to the console (in the browser) or via eprintln!() (if not in the browser).


Handle that is generated by set_interval and can be used to clear the interval.
Contains a shared reference to a DOM node creating while using the view macro to create your UI.


Represents the different possible values an attribute node could have.
Represents the different possible values an element child node could have.
Represents the different possible values a single class on an element could have, allowing you to do fine-grained updates to single items in Element.classList.
Marks the node relative to which an operation should occur.
Represents the different possible values an element property could have, allowing you to do fine-grained updates to single fields.


Converts some type into an Attribute.
Converts some type into a Child.
Converts some type into a Class.
Converts some type into a Property.
Describes a type that can be mounted to a parent element in the DOM.
An extension trait for Option<T> and Result<T, E> for unwrapping the T value, or throwing a JS error if it is not available.


Adds an event listener to the target DOM element using implicit event delegation.
Appends a child node to the parent element. See Node.appendChild.
Binds the value to the attribute attr_name on this el. If the attribute is reactive, it will create an effect to make fine-grained reactive updates to the attribute value.
Returns the <body> elements of the current HTML document, if it exists.
Binds the value to the class class_name on this el’s classList. If the class value is reactive, it will create an effect to make fine-grained reactive updates to the class list.
Clones an an HTMLTemplateElement and returns its first element child.
Log an error to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser), but only in a debug build.
Log an error to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
Log a string to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
Log a warning to the console (in the browser) or via println!() (if not in the browser).
Creates an HTMLTemplateElement and sets its innerHTML to the given HTML string.
Returns the Document.
Encodes strings to be used as attribute values in HTML by escaping &, <, >, and ".
Encodes strings to be used as text in HTML by escaping &, <, and >.
Helper function to extract from any event.
Helper function to extract from an event.
Helper function to extract from an event.
Inserts a child into the DOM, relative to the before marker. If the child is reactive, it will create an effect to make fine-grained reactive updates to the DOM value.
Inserts the new node before the existing node (or, if None, at the end of the parent’s children.) See Node.insertBefore.
Returns the current window.location.
Current window.location.hash without the beginning #.
Runs the given function to mount something to the given element in the DOM.
Runs the given function to mount something to the <body> element in the DOM.
Binds the value to the property prop_name on this el. If the property is reactive, it will create an effect to make fine-grained reactive updates to the property.
Diffs two sets of DOM nodes and patches the parent element to match the new entry.
Removes an attribute from a DOM element. See Element.removeAttribute.
Removes the child node from its parent element. See Node.removeChild.
Removes all event listeners from an element.
Renders a component to a stream of HTML strings.
Renders a component to a stream of HTML strings and returns the Scope and Disposer.
Renders a component to a static HTML string.
Replaces the old node with the new one, within the parent element. See Node.replaceChild.
Replace the old node with the new node in the DOM. See Element.replaceWith.
Runs the given function between the next repaint using Window.requestAnimationFrame.
Queues the given function during an idle period
using Window.requestIdleCallback.
Sets the value of an attribute on a DOM element. See Element.setAttribute.
Sets the text of a DOM text node.
Repeatedly calls the given function, with a delay of the given duration between calls. See setInterval().
Sets a property on a DOM element.
Executes the given function after the given duration of time has passed. setTimeout().
Returns the Window.
Adds an event listener to the Window.

Type Definitions

The type of an HTML or DOM element. When server rendering, this is a String. When rendering in a browser, this is a DOM Element.
The type of an HTML or DOM node. When server rendering, this is a String. When rendering in a browser, this is a DOM Node.